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HomeCalendarAssos Split Rock Velo Center party 48/30 miles (Split Rock/Margie/MikeD) Brisk/Moderate/Social paces

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Assos Split Rock Velo Center party 48/30 miles (Split Rock/Margie/MikeD) Brisk/Moderate/Social paces

About this event


We will be starting and finishing this ride at Split Rock Velo Center, near Pond Farm in the West End of San Rafael.  Assos is sponsoring this ride and will be giving every rider a free water bottle and MORE! Further details to follow.  To reserve your water bottle and other Assos swag, please register at Assos Sign up Genius as well as Marin Cyclists usual registration. 

The longer route, 48 miles, 3,000 feet of climbing,  will travel  west on Lucas Valley Road to Pt Reyes Station and return via Sir Francis Drake.   There will be two pace options for the longer route.  A racer dude, Justin,  from Split Rock Velo Center will lead a "casual no drop pace group," average 16-18 mph overall.  Margie B will lead a more moderate pace (moving average 14-16 mph).  Climbs include Big Rock (0.9 miles, 8.5%),  Olema Hill (1.1 mile, 5.4%) and eastbound White's Hill (1 mile, 3.5%).  Suggested regroups are Nicasio and Pt Reyes Station.

Mike D will be leading a shorter route, 30 miles 2000 feet of climbing, out Lucas Valley road to Nicasio and back via Sir Francis Drake Blvd.   This group will keep a social pace, averaging 12-14 mph moving speed.  Suggested regroups are top of Big Rock, Nicasio, and Samuel P Taylor Park. Climbing difficulties include  Big Rock (0.9 miles, 8.5%)and eastbound White's Hill (1 mile, 3.5%).  

Please arrive by 8:45 for registration, introductions and a safety chat.  Wheels will roll at 9 am.

Date and Time

Saturday, June 08, 2024, 8:45 AM until 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Split Rock Velo Center
Split Rock Velo Center Website
1820 4th Street
San Rafael  94901

Additional Info


Margie Baer
middle pace leader
4157208469 (p)

Mike Dudasko
Short Route leader
510 914 0011 (p)


Multi Levels

Registration Info

Registration is required
Helmets required
Registration required
Non members welcome
Please also register at
Invite your friends!
Cancellation Policy:
Members please log in and cancel your registration if you can not attend.

Non-Members, to cancel your registration, please email the contact above.